This subject guide serves as a starting point for your search for scholarly resources in the area of Humanities & Social Sciences. Resources listed here include those accessible through our library and on the web. It enables you to access from one point various resources such as books, e-journals, e-databases, theses and dissertations, and other web-based resources. (Please remember that this is not an exhaustive list. You will find many additional resources in the library, such as Reference Books).
We welcome your suggestions to make the guide better suited to your requirements. Please write to us at
Resources Available at the Central Library
- 291
- 14th Century English Mystics Newsletter
- 19th-Century Music
- 3 Biotech
- 4OR
- 4S Review
- A.I.H.P. Notes
- a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
- AA Files
- AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik
- AATSEEL Journal
- AAUP Bulletin
- ABA Journal
- ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law
- ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law
- Abacus
- Aboriginal History
- Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
- ACA Newsletter
- Academe
- Academy of Management Learning & Education
- Academy of Management Perspectives
- Acadiensis
- Accountability in Research
- Accounting & Finance
- Accounting Perspectives
- Accounting Research Journal
- Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
- Acquisitions (Fogg Art Museum)
- Acta Analytica
- Acta Classica
- Acta Criminologica
- Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
- Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
- Acta Linguistica Academica
- Acta Linguistica Hungarica
- Acta Musicologica
- Acta Oeconomica
- Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
- Acta Sociologica
- Acta Turistica
- Adaptation
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
- Administrative Law Bulletin
- Administrative Law Review
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Administrative Theory & Praxis
- Adolescent Research Review
- Advanced Sustainable Systems
- Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory
- Advances in Autism
- Advances in Health Sciences Education
- Advances in Mental Health
- Advances in Sex Research
- Adversity and Resilience Science
- Advisory Council Bulletin (Music Teachers' National Association)
- Advocate of Peace (1847-1884)
- Advocate of Peace through Justice
- AEA Papers and Proceedings
- AEA Papers and Proceedings
- Aegyptus
- AEM Education and Training
- Aequatoria
- Aerosol Science & Technology
- Aevum
- Afers Internacionals
- Affective Science
- Africa Development / Afrique et D
- Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series
- Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series
- Africa Spectrum
- Africa Today
- Africa: Journal of the International African Institute
- Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente
- African Affairs
- African Affairs
- African American Review
- African Archaeological Review
- African Arts
- African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review
- African Development Review
- African Economic History
- African Economic History Review
- African Historical Studies
- African Issues
- African Journal of Political Economy / Revue Africaine d'Economie Politique
- African Journal of Political Science / Revue Africaine de Science Politique
- African Journal of Reproductive Health / La Revue Africaine de la Sant
- African Languages and Cultures
- African Languages and Cultures. Supplement
- African Music
- African Review of Money Finance and Banking
- African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie
- African Studies Bulletin
- African Studies Review
- Afro-Hispanic Review
- Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry
- Ageing International
- Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity
- Aggressive Behavior
- Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition
- Agni
- Agrekon
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural & Environmental Letters
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Finance Review
- Agricultural History
- Agricultural History Society Papers
- Agriculture and Human Values
- Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development
- Agronomy Journal
- Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
- AJIL Unbound
- AJS Review
- ALA Bulletin
- Al-'Arabiyya
- Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies
- Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology
- Alcohol and Alcoholism
- Alei Sefer: Studies in Bibliography
- Alei Sefer: Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book /
- Aleph
- Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics
- All Ireland Review
- Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation
- Alternatives: Global, Local, Political
- Ambit
- American Academy Notes
- American Advocate of Peace
- American Advocate of Peace (1834-1836)
- American Advocate of Peace (1892-1893)
- American Annals of the Deaf
- American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb
- American Anthropologist
- American Anthropologist
- American Antiquity
- American Art
- American Art Illustrated
- American Art News
- American Bar Association Journal
- American Bar Foundation Research Journal
- American Business Law Journal
- American Catholic Studies
- American Economic Association Quarterly
- American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
- American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
- American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
- American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
- American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
- American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
- American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
- American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
- American Economic Review
- American Economic Review: Insights
- American Educational Research Journal
- American Ethnologist
- American Ethnologist
- American Humor
- American Imago
- American Indian Law Review
- American Indian Quarterly
- American Jewish Historical Quarterly
- American Jewish History
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- American Journal of Archaeology
- American Journal of Biological Anthropology
- American Journal of Chinese Studies
- American Journal of Community Psychology
- American Journal of Criminal Justice
- American Journal of Dance Therapy
- American Journal of Education
- American Journal of Industrial Medicine
- American Journal of Irish Studies
- American Journal of Mathematical & Management Sciences
- American Journal of Numismatics (1897-1919)
- American Journal of Numismatics (1897-1924)
- American Journal of Numismatics (1989-)
- American Journal of Numismatics (1989-2017)
- American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society
- American Journal of Political Science
- American Journal of Political Science
- American Journal of Sociology
- American Journal of Sociology
- American Journal of Theology & Philosophy
- American Law and Economics Review
- American Law and Economics Review
- American Libraries
- American Literary History
- American Literary History
- American Literary Realism
- American Literary Realism
- American Literary Realism, 1870-1910
- American Literature
- American Marketing Journal
- American Music
- American Music Teacher
- American Periodicals
- American Philosophical Quarterly
- American Political Thought
- American Presbyterians
- American Quarterly
- American Review of Canadian Studies
- American Secondary Education
- American Sociological Review
- American Speech
- American Studies
- American Studies International
- Amerikastudien / American Studies
- AMS Review
- Amtliche Berichte aus den K
- Amtliche Berichte aus den Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen
- An
- Anabases
- Analecta Hibernica
- Anales de la literatura espa
- Anales de la narrativa espa
- Anales de la novela de posguerra
- Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
- Analysis
- Analysis
- Analytic Philosophy
- Anatolian Studies
- Ancient Mesoamerica
- Ancient Society
- Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities
- Anglican and Episcopal History
- Anglo-Saxon England
- Angol Filol
- Annalen der Philosophie
- Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie A f
- Annales Aequatoria
- Annales de G
- Annales de la Soci
- Annales de l'ins
- Annales d'Économie et de Statistique
- Annales d'histoire
- Annales d'histoire sociale
- Annales d'histoire sociale (1939-1941)
- Annales d'histoire sociale (1945)
- Annales historiques de la R
- Annales r
- Annales sociologiques. S
- Annales sociologiques. S
- Annales sociologiques. S
- Annales sociologiques. S
- Annales sociologiques. S
- Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales
- Annali della R. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia
- Annali della R. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Filosofia e Filologia
- Annali della R. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Lettere, Storia e Filosofia
- Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia
- Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Lettere, Storia e Filosofia
- Annali delle Universit
- Annali di Economia
- Annali di scienze politiche
- Annali d'Italianistica
- Annals of Anthropological Practice
- Annals of Dyslexia
- Annals of Economics and Statistics
- Annals of Finance
- Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
- Annals of the Association of American Geographers
- Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
- Annals of Work Exposures and Health
- An-Nashra
- Annuaire de l'Association pour l'encouragement des
- Annuaire historique pour l'ann
- Annuaire-Bulletin de la Soci
- Annual Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law)
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California (1888)
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California (1891)
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register, Los Angeles
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles
- Annual Report (Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching)
- Annual Report (Fogg Art Museum)
- Annual Report (Harvard University Art Museums)
- Annual Report (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
- Annual Report for the Year ... (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
- Annual Report of the Dante Society, with Accompanying Papers
- Annual Report of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Annual Reports of the Dante Society
- Annual Review of Anthropology
- Annual Review of Anthropology
- Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
- Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
- Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
- Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
- Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Annual Review of Law and Social Science
- Annual Review of Linguistics
- Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
- Annual Review of Political Science
- Annual Review of Psychology
- Annual Review of Sociology
- Annual Review of Sociology
- ANQ : A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews
- Anthropologica
- Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
- Anthropological Journal on European Cultures
- Anthropological Linguistics
- Anthropological Quarterly
- Anthropological Yearbook of European Cultures
- Anthropologie
- Anthropologie (1923-1941)
- Anthropologie (1962-)
- Anthropologischer Anzeiger
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly
- Anthropology and Humanism
- Anthropology Design Series
- Anthropology Leaflet
- Anthropology Now
- Anthropology of Consciousness
- Anthropology of Work Review
- Anthropology Today
- Anthropology Today
- Anthropology, Memoirs
- Anthropos
- Antike Kunst
- Antike Welt
- Antipode
- Antipodes
- Antitrust Law Journal
- Anuario
- Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos
- Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion Musical
- ANY: Architecture New York
- Aperture
- Aphasiology
- APLA Newsletter
- Appalachian Journal
- Applied Anthropology
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
- Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
- Applied Linguistics
- Applied Neuropsychology (Adult and Child Journals)
- Applied Neuropsychology Adult
- Applied Neuropsychology: Child
- Applied Psychology
- Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
- Applied Research in Quality of Life
- Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
- Applied Vegetation Science
- APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology
- AQ: Australian Quarterly
- Aquaculture Economics & Management
- Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
- Arab Law Quarterly
- Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
- Arabica
- Arbeit und Recht
- Arch
- Archaeologia Austriaca
- Archaeological Method and Theory
- Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association
- Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund)
- Archaeological Reports
- Archaeology
- Archaeology & Physical Anthropology in Oceania
- Archaeology in Oceania
- Archaeology in Oceania
- Archaeology Ireland
- Archaeology of Eastern North America
- Archaeometry
- Archeologia Classica
- Archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis, inzonderheid van Nederland
- Archief voor Nederlandsche kerkgeschiedenis
- Architectural Design
- Architectural Engineering and Design Management
- Architectural History
- Architectural History
- Architectural Research and Teaching
- Architecture, Structures and Construction
- Archiv des
- Archiv des Völkerrechts
- Archiv f
- Archiv f
- Archiv f
- Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte
- Archiv für die civilistische Praxis
- Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin
- Archiv für Keilschriftforschung
- Archiv für Musikwissenschaft
- Archiv für Orientforschung
- Archival Issues
- Archives de Philosophie
- Archives de sciences sociales des religions
- Archives de sociologie des religions
- Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litt
- Archives of American Art Journal
- Archives of Asian Art
- Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America
- Archivio di Filosofia
- Archivio Storico Italiano
- Archivium Hibernicum
- Archivum Historiae Pontificiae
- Arctic
- Arctic and Alpine Research
- Arctic Anthropology
- Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research
- Area
- Area
- Arethusa
- Argumentation
- Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics
- Arizona and the West
- Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies
- Arizoniana
- ARLIS/NA Newsletter
- Arms Control Today
- Arnoldia
- arq: Architectural Research Quarterly
- Ars Islamica
- Ars Orientalis
- ARSP: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
- Art & Life
- Art and Progress
- Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America
- Art Education
- Art in Print
- Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies
- Art Journal
- Art on Paper
- Arte Lombarda
- Artes de México
- Arthurian Interpretations
- Arthuriana
- Arthuriana (1928-1930)
- Artibus Asiae
- Artibus Asiae. Supplementum
- Artibus et Historiae
- Arts & Decoration (1910-1918)
- Arts Asiatiques
- Arts et traditions populaires
- ASA Review of Books
- ASEAN Economic Bulletin
- Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies
- Asia Europe Journal
- Asia Journal
- Asia Major
- Asia Pacific Education Review
- Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management
- Asia Pacific Viewpoint
- Asian Affairs: An American Review
- Asian Archaeology
- Asian Bioethics Review
- Asian Economic Journal
- Asian Economic Policy Review
- Asian Education and Development Studies
- Asian Englishes
- Asian Ethnology
- Asian Folklore Studies
- Asian Journal of Business Ethics
- Asian Journal of Criminology
- Asian Journal of Philosophy
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology
- Asian Journal of Social Science
- Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
- Asian Music
- Asian Perspective
- Asian Perspectives
- Asian Philosophy
- Asian Politics & Policy
- Asian Review of Accounting
- Asian Social Work and Policy Review
- Asian Survey
- Asian Theatre Journal
- Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
- Asia-Pacific Economic History Review
- Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science
- Aslib Journal of Information Management
- Assemblage
- Assessment Update
- Association Medical Journal
- Association pour l'encouragement des
- Atlantic Economic Journal
- Atlantic Studies: Global Currents
- Atlantis
- Attachment & Human Development
- Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
- Audio Visual Communication Review
- Auditory Perception & Cognition
- Aufkl
- Augmented Human Research
- Aula
- Aula-Historia Social
- Auslandsrecht
- Australasian Historical Archaeology
- Australasian Journal of American Studies
- Australasian Journal of Engineering Education
- Australasian Journal of Environmental Management
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Australian Accounting Review
- Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
- Australian Archaeology
- Australian Economic Papers
- Australian Indigenous Law Reporter
- Australian Indigenous Law Review
- Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology
- Australian Journal of Linguistics
- Australian Journal of Politics & History
- Australian Journal of Public Administration
- Australian Journal of Social Issues
- Austrian Studies
- AV Communication Review
- Axiomathes
- Ayer
- B
- B.B.A.A. Bolet
- Bach
- Background
- Background on World Politics
- Bar-Ilan Law Studies / מחקרי משפט
- Before I Forget...: Journal of the Poyntzpass and District Local History Society
- Behavior Analysis in Practice
- Behavior and Philosophy
- Behavior and Social Issues
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Behavioral Disorders
- Behavioral Interventions
- Behavioral Sciences & The Law
- Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression
- Behaviorism
- Behaviour & Information Technology
- Behaviour Change
- Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World
- Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World /
- Beitr
- Beitr
- Belfagor
- Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law
- Berkeley Journal of Sociology
- Berkeley Technology Law Journal
- Berliner Museen
- Best of ABA Sections: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section
- Beyond Behavior
- Biblica
- Biblioth
- Biblioth
- Biennial Review of Anthropology
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indi
- Bilingual Review / La Revista Biling
- Biochemical Genetics
- Biodegradation
- Biodemography and Social Biology
- Biodiversity
- BioEnergy Research
- Bioethics
- Biofuels
- Biography
- Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
- Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Biology and Philosophy
- Bioremediation Journal
- Biosemiotics
- Bird Study
- BJPsych Advances
- Black American Literature Forum
- Black Camera
- Black History Bulletin
- Black Music Research Journal
- Black View
- Black Women, Gender + Families
- Blackfriars
- BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology / Bulletin de M
- Board & Administrator For Administrators Only
- Board Leadership
- Bolet
- Bolet
- Bolet
- Bolet
- Bolet
- Bolet
- Bolet
- Book History
- Books Abroad
- Books Ireland
- Boom: A Journal of California
- Boreas
- Boston Museum Bulletin
- Botanical Bulletin
- Botswana Notes and Records
- boundary 2
- Bouwsteenen
- Bradley, His Book
- Bridges
- Brigham Young University Studies
- Britannia
- British Actuarial Journal
- British Educational Research Journal
- British Educational Research Journal
- British Food Journal
- British Journal for the History of Mathematics
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy
- British Journal of Clinical Psychology
- British Journal of Developmental Psychology
- British Journal of Educational Psychology
- British Journal of Educational Studies
- British Journal of Educational Technology
- British Journal of Ethnomusicology
- British Journal of Health Psychology
- British Journal of Industrial Relations
- British Journal of International Studies
- British Journal of Law and Society
- British Journal of Management
- British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
- British Journal of Political Science
- British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine
- British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work
- British Journal of Psychology
- British Journal of Psychotherapy
- British Journal of Social Medicine
- British Journal of Social Psychology
- British Journal of Sociology of Education
- British Journal of Special Education
- British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition)
- British School at Athens Studies
- Brittonia
- Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
- Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics
- Brookings Papers on Education Policy
- Brookings Trade Forum
- Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs
- Brooklyn Museum Bulletin
- Browning Institute Studies
- Bruniana & Campanelliana
- Brush and Pencil
- Buddhist-Christian Studies
- Buffalo Criminal Law Review
- Building Material
- Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum
- Built Environment
- Built Environment (1972-1975)
- Built Environment (1978-)
- Built Environment Quarterly
- Buletinul Societ
- Buletinul Societ
- Bulletin (American Bar Association. Section of Taxation)
- Bulletin (Archives of American Art)
- Bulletin (British Association for American Studies)
- Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies)
- Bulletin (Canadian Archaeological Association)
- Bulletin (Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers)
- Bulletin (Linguistic Society of America)
- Bulletin (New York Musicological Society)
- Bulletin (Shaw Society of America)
- Bulletin (St. Louis Art Museum)
- Bulletin annuel de l'Institut fran
- Bulletin d'
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de la Soci
- Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient
- Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches
- Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches
- Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences
- Bulletin de Sinologie
- Bulletin de th
- Bulletin d'Information (International Association of Music Libraries)
- Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'
- Bulletin du Jardin botanique National de Belgique / Bulletin van de Nationale Plantentuin van Belgi
- Bulletin historique et litt
- Bulletin math
- Bulletin Mensuel (Antenne fran
- Bulletin of African Studies in Canada / Bulletin des
- Bulletin of Baltic Studies
- Bulletin of Economic Research
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
- Bulletin of Friends Historical Association
- Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia
- Bulletin of International News
- Bulletin of Latin American Research
- Bulletin of Latin American Research
- Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)
- Bulletin of Popular Information (Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University)
- Bulletin of Sung and Y
- Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Bulletin of the American Art-Union
- Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian
- Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
- Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavonic and East European Languages
- Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors
- Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (1915-1955)
- Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (2010-)
- Bulletin of the American Geographical Society
- Bulletin of the American Group. International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
- Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
- Bulletin of the American Institute for Iranian Art and Archaeology
- Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology
- Bulletin of the American Library Association
- Bulletin of the American Musicological Society
- Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem
- Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
- Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Supplementary Studies
- Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1907-1951)
- Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1973-1982)
- Bulletin of the Asia Institute
- Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University
- Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology
- Bulletin of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
- Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science
- Bulletin of the Business Historical Society
- Bulletin of the City Art Museum of St. Louis
- Bulletin of the Committee on Canadian Labour History / Bulletin du Comit
- Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club
- Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
- Bulletin of the Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute
- Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts
- Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts of the City of Detroit
- Bulletin of the Detroit Museum of Art
- Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine
- Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
- Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London. Supplementary Papers
- Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement
- Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine
- Bulletin of the International Institute of Social History
- Bulletin of the Iranian Institute
- Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts
- Bulletin of the Music Teachers National Association
- Bulletin of the National Association for Nursery Education
- Bulletin of the New England Art Union
- Bulletin of the New York Shakespeare Society
- Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association
- Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club
- Bulletin of the Orton Society
- Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum
- Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America
- Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
- Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London
- Bulletin of the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association
- Bulletin of the Society for Latin American Studies
- Bulletin Supplement (University of London. Institute of Classical Studies)
- Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum
- Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma
- Business & Professional Ethics Journal
- Business and Society Review
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
- Business Law Memo
- Business Law Today
- Business Strategy and Development
- Business Strategy and The Environment
- Bustan: The Middle East Book Review
- BYU Studies Quarterly
- Byzantion
- CAA Slides & Photographs Newsletter
- Cahiers d'
- Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles
- Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie
- Cahiers d'Extr
- Cahiers d'histoire de la guerre
- Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz
- Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-br
- Cahiers du Monde russe
- Cahiers du Monde russe et sovi
- Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie
- Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure
- Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie
- Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto
- Calendar of the Art Institute of Chicago
- California Folklore Quarterly
- California Historical Quarterly
- California Historical Society Quarterly
- California History
- California Journal of Teacher Education
- California Law Review
- California Studies in Classical Antiquity
- Callaloo
- Cambridge Journal of Economics
- Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
- Cambridge Opera Journal
- Campus Legal Advisor
- Campus Security Report
- Canadian Geographies / G
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration
- Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des
- Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie
- Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal Canadien d'Arch
- Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'
- Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'
- Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique
- Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue Canadienne de Sant
- Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
- Canadian Journal of Social Work Education / Revue canadienne d'
- Canadian Public Administration
- Canadian Public Health Journal
- Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques
- Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie
- Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes
- Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadienne de service social
- Canadian Studies in Population
- Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue Canadienne des Ressources Hydriques
- Cancer Causes & Control
- Capital Markets Law Journal
- Caravelle (1963-1965)
- Caravelle (1988-)
- Carbon Letters
- Carbon Management
- Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature
- Caribbean Quarterly
- Caribbean Studies
- Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- Castanea
- Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv /
- Catholic Historical Researches
- CEA Critic
- CEAS Aeronautical Journal
- Center House Bulletin
- Central Asiatic Journal
- Central European History
- Central European Journal of Operations Research
- Central States Archaeological Journal
- Cereal Research Communications
- CESifo Economic Studies
- Challenge
- Challenge
- Chance
- Change
- Change in Higher Education
- Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education
- Charity Organisation Quarterly
- Charity Organisation Review
- Chasqui
- Chemistry Africa
- Chicago Review
- Chicana/Latina Studies
- Child & Family Social Work
- Child & Youth Care Forum
- Child Abuse Review
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
- Child Development
- Child Development
- Child Development Perspectives
- Child Indicators Research
- Child Neuropsychology
- Child Psychiatry & Human Development
- Child: Care, Health and Development
- Children & Schools
- Children & Society
- Children, Youth and Environments
- Children's Environments
- Children's Environments Quarterly
- Children's Literature in Education
- Children's Museum Bulletin (Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences)
- Children's Museum News (Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences) (1904-1905)
- China & World Economy
- China Agricultural Economic Review
- China Economic Journal
- China Finance Review International
- China International Strategy Review
- China Ocean Engineering
- China Perspectives
- China Population and Development Studies
- China Review
- China Review International
- China-EU Law Journal
- Chinese Geographical Science
- Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
- Chinese Journal of International Law
- Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
- Chinese Literature and Thought Today
- Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)
- Chinese Political Science Review
- Chinese Science
- Chinese Sociological Review
- Chiric
- Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality
- Christian Education
- Christianity and Literature
- Christoffel
- Chronology of International Events
- Chronology of International Events and Documents
- Chungara: Revista de Antropolog
- Church History
- Church History and Religious Culture
- Chymia
- CIM Journal
- Cin
- Cin
- Cina
- Cinema Journal
- Circa
- Circular Economy and Sustainability
- Cit
- City & Society
- City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action
- City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, Action
- Cityscape
- Civilisations
- CLA Journal
- Classical Antiquity
- Classical Philology
- Classical Receptions Journal
- Classics Ireland
- Classroom Discourse
- Classroom Interaction Newsletter
- CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water
- Cleveland Studies in the History of Art
- Climate and Development
- Climate and Energy
- Climate Policy
- Climate Resilience and Sustainability
- Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
- Clinical Infectious Diseases
- Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
- Clinical Social Work Journal
- Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire
- Clio. Women, Gender, History
- Cliometrica
- Clogher Record
- Coastal Management
- CoDesign
- Cognition & Emotion
- Cognition and Instruction
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapist
- Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
- Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Science
- Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
- Coleopterists Society Monographs. Patricia Vaurie Series
- Collectanea Hibernica
- Collection and Curation, prev. Collection Building
- College Art Journal
- College Athletics and the Law
- College Composition and Communication
- College English
- College Literature
- College Music Symposium
- College Teaching
- Colloquia Germanica
- Colonial Waterbirds
- Columbia Journal of International Affairs
- Columbia Law Review
- Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art
- Combinada de Educacion: Infancia y Aprendizaje and Cultura y Educacion Pack
- Combinada de Psicologia: Revista de Psicologia Social and Estudios de Psicologia Pack
- Comhar
- Committee Reports Presented at the Annual Meeting (American Bar Association. Section of Mineral and Natural Resources Law)
- Community Development Journal
- Community Ecology
- Comparative Drama
- Comparative Education
- Comparative Education Review
- Comparative Literature
- Comparative Literature Studies
- Comparative Literature: East & West
- Comparative Politics
- Comparative Studies in Society and History
- Composition Studies
- Compost Science & Utilization
- Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology
- Computational Brain & Behavior
- Computational Economics
- Computational Management Science
- Computer Music Journal
- Computers and the Humanities
- Computers and Translation
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Resolution Quarterly
- Confluencia
- Conjunctions
- Connecticut Common School Journal (1838-1853)
- Conservation Letters
- Constellations
- Constitution and By-Laws, New York State Historical Association, with Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting
- Constitutional Political Economy
- Construction History
- Construction Robotics
- Consumer Psychology Review
- Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture
- Contemporanea
- Contemporary Accounting Research
- Contemporary Economic Policy
- Contemporary European History
- Contemporary Family Therapy
- Contemporary Islam
- Contemporary Jewry
- Contemporary Jewry
- Contemporary Literature
- Contemporary Marxism
- Contemporary Religions in Japan
- Contemporary School Psychology
- Contemporary Sociology
- Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews
- Contemporary Southeast Asia
- Contemporary Women窶冱 Writing
- Contexts
- Continental Philosophy Review
- Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium
- Contributions to Canadian Economics
- Contributions to Music Education
- Contributions to Political Economy
- Contributions to the History of Concepts
- Copeia
- CORD News
- Corinth
- Corporate Governance: An International Review
- Corporate Philanthropy Report
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
- Corpus Pragmatics
- Correctional Education
- Cosmopolitan Art Journal
- Council on Anthropology and Education Newsletter
- Council on Anthropology and Education Quarterly
- Counselling and Psychotherapy Research
- Counselor Education and Supervision
- Counterpoints
- Cr
- CR: The New Centennial Review
- Creative Nonfiction
- Creativity and Innovation Management
- Crime and Justice
- Crime and Social Justice
- Crime, Histoire & Soci& Societies
- Crime, Law and Social Change
- Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
- Criminal Law and Philosophy
- Criminal Law Forum
- Criminal Science Monographs
- Criminologie
- Criminology
- Criminology & Public Policy
- Critical Criminology
- Critical Discourse Studies
- Critical Ethnic Studies
- Critical Inquiry
- Critical Inquiry
- Critical Inquiry in Language Studies
- Critical Philosophy of Race
- Critical Quarterly
- Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
- Critical Survey
- Criticism
- Critique internationale
- Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management
- Crops & Soils
- CrossCurrents
- Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
- Crustaceana
- Crustaceana. Supplement
- Cuadernos de Pensamiento Pol
- Cuban Studies
- Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Critique
- Cultural Studies of Science Education
- Culture and Education: Cultura y Educacion
- Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Culture, Health & Sexuality
- Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry
- Culture/Clinic
- Cultures et Conflits
- Curator: The Museum Journal
- Current Anthropology
- Current Directions in Psychological Science
- Current Issues in Education
- Current Legal Problems
- Current Psychology
- Current Research on Peace and Violence
- Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa
- Curriculum Inquiry
- Curriculum Perspectives
- Curriculum Theory Network
- Customer Needs and Solutions
- Czech Sociological Review
- Czechoslovak Sociological Review
- D
- Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah /
- Daedalus
- Dalhousie French Studies
- Dance Chronicle
- Dance Research Journal
- Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research
- Dante Studies, with the Annual Report of the Dante Society
- Dao
- Data Technologies and Applications prev. Program
- De Economist
- De West-Indische Gids
- Dead Sea Discoveries
- Dean and Provost
- Debate Feminista
- Decision Sciences
- Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
- Decisions in Economics and Finance
- Democratic Culture /
- Demograf
- Demographische Informationen
- Demography
- Der Globusfreund
- Der Staat
- Desarrollo Econ
- Design Issues
- Design Management Journal
- Design Management Review
- Design Quarterly
- Design Science
- Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift
- Deutsche Theologie
- Developing World Bioethics
- Development and Change
- Development and Psychopathology
- Development in Practice
- Development Policy Review
- Developmental Psychobiology
- Developmental Science
- Di
- Diacritics
- Dialectica
- Dialectical Anthropology
- Dialectical Anthropology
- Dialog
- Dialogue
- Diderot Studies
- Die Friedens-Warte
- Die Musikforschung
- Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German
- Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
- Die Waffen nieder!
- Die Welt des Islams
- Die Welt des Orients
- Digest of Chinese Studies
- Digest of Middle East Studies
- Digest of Social Science Research on China
- Digital Finance
- Digital Library Perspectives
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
- Digital Society
- Diplomatic History
- Diplomatic History
- Director's Report (Harvard University Art Museums)
- Directory of the Association of American Library Schools
- Disability & Society
- Disability Compliance for Higher Education
- Disaster Prevention and Management
- Disasters
- Discourse
- Discourse & Society
- Discourse Studies
- Dispositio
- Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory
- Diversity and Distributions
- Docket Call
- Dossier-CIDOB
- Drug and Alcohol Review
- Drugs and Alcohol Today
- Dublin Historical Record
- Duke Bar Journal
- Duke Law Journal
- Dumbarton Oaks Papers
- Durkheimian Studies /
- Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict
- Dyslexia
- Early American Literature
- Early American Literature Newsletter
- Early American Studies
- Early Childhood Education Journal
- Early China
- Early Medieval Europe
- Early Modern Women
- Early Music
- Early Music
- Early Music History
- Early Science and Medicine
- Early Theatre
- Earth Systems and Environment
- East African Literary and Cultural Studies
- East and West
- East Asia
- East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
- Eastern Economic Journal
- Eastern European Economics
- Eastern European Economics
- Ecography
- Ecohydrology
- Ecología Política
- Ecological Applications
- Ecological Management & Restoration
- Ecological Solutions and Evidence
- Ecology and Evolution
- EcoMat
- Econom
- Econometric Reviews
- Econometric Theory
- Econometrica
- Econometrica
- Economia Politica
- Economic Affairs
- Economic and Political Weekly
- Economic Anthropology
- Economic Botany
- Economic Change and Restructuring
- Economic Development and Cultural Change
- Economic Digest
- Economic Geography
- Economic History
- Economic History of Developing Regions
- Economic Inquiry
- Economic Notes
- Economic Outlook
- Economic Papers; A journal of applied economics and policy
- Economic Policy
- Economic Policy
- Economic Record
- Economic Theory
- Economic Theory
- Economic Theory Bulletin
- Economica
- Economica
- Economics & Politics
- Economics of Disasters and Climate Change
- Economics of Governance
- Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
- Economy and Society
- Ecoscience
- Ecosphere
- Edited Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities)
- Edith Wharton Newsletter
- Edith Wharton Review
- EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter
- Education + Training
- Education and Culture
- Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities
- Education and Training in Mental Retardation
- Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
- Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded
- Education and Treatment of Children
- Education and Treatment of Children
- Education Finance and Policy
- Education in Chemistry
- Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
- Educational Communication and Technology
- Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
- Educational Horizons
- Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
- Educational Psychologist
- Educational Psychology Review
- Educational Psychology Review
- Educational Research Bulletin
- Educational Research for Policy and Practice
- Educational Researcher
- Educational Studies in Mathematics
- Educational Technology
- Educational Technology & Society
- Educational Technology Research and Development
- Educational Technology Research and Development
- Educational Theatre Journal
- Educational Theory
- Educational Weekly
- eFood
- EFSA Journal
- EFSA Supporting Publications
- Egitto e Vicino Oriente
- Egyetemi Szemle
- Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris an d
- Eighteenth-Century Studies
- eJHaem
- Ekistics
- Ekonomisk Tidskrift
- El Ciervo
- El Trimestre Econ
- Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik)
- Electronic Commerce Research
- Electronic Markets
- Elementary English
- Elementary School Guidance & Counseling
- Elementary School Science Bulletin
- ELT Journal
- Emerging Markets Finance & Trade
- Emotion Review
- Empire Forestry Journal
- Empire Forestry Review
- Empirica
- Empirical Economics
- Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
- Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
- Energy Sources, Part B
- Energy, Ecology and Environment
- Engineering Education News
- Engineering Management Journal
- Engineering Studies
- Englera
- English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies
- English Education
- English in Africa
- English in Education
- English Literary Renaissance
- English Studies
- English Studies in Africa
- English Teaching & Learning
- English Teaching: Practice & Critique
- English: Journal of the English Association
- Enrollment Management Report
- Entomologica Americana
- Entrepreneurship Education
- Environment and History
- Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
- Environmental Forensics
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health
- Environmental Hazards
- Environmental Health Perspectives
- Environmental History
- Environmental History Review
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Policy and Governance
- Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
- Environmental Review: ER
- Environmental Sociology
- Environmental Technology Reviews
- Environmental Values
- Environmetrics
- Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology and Community Health
- Epidemiology and Infection
- Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
- ERA Forum
- Erato
- Erdkunde
- Ergonomics
- Erkenntnis
- Erkenntnis
- Erkenntnis (1930-1938)
- Erkenntnis (1975-)
- ES: Nano
- e-Service Journal
- Esprit
- Esprit (1932-1939)
- Esprit et le Voltigeur
- Essays in Criticism
- Estuaries
- Estuaries and Coasts
- Estuaries and Coasts
- Estudios Atacame
- Estudios de Asia y Africa
- Estudios Demogr
- Estudios Econ
- Estudios Internacionales
- Estudios Orientales
- Estudios Sociol
- Estudos Feministas
- ETC: A Review of General Semantics
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
- Ethics
- Ethics & Human Research
- Ethics and the Environment
- Ethiopianist Notes
- Ethnicities
- Ethnography
- Ethnohistory
- Ethnologie fran
- Ethnology
- Ethnomusicology
- Ethnomusicology Forum
- Ethos
- Ethos
- Etnofoor
- ETS Research Report Series
- Etudes d'histoire moderne et contemporaine
- Eurasian Business Review
- Eurasian Economic Review
- EuroChoices
- European Business Organization Law Review
- European Demographic Information Bulletin
- European Eating Disorders Review
- European Financial Management
- European Journal for Philosophy of Science
- European Journal for Security Research
- European Journal of Ageing
- European Journal of Behavior Analysis
- European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology
- European Journal of Dental Education
- European Journal of Developmental Psychology
- European Journal of East Asian Studies
- European Journal of Education
- European Journal of Education
- European Journal of Engineering Education
- European journal of English Studies
- European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
- European Journal of Epidemiology
- European Journal of Information Systems
- European Journal of International Law
- European Journal of Law and Economics
- European Journal of Philosophy
- European Journal of Political Research
- European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook
- European Journal of Population
- European Journal of Population / Revue Europ
- European Journal of Psychology of Education
- European Journal of Psychology of Education
- European Journal of Social Psychology
- European Journal of Sociology / Archives Europ
- European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
- European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe
- European Law Journal
- European Management Review
- European Policy Analysis
- European Review of Economic History
- European Review of Economic History
- European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe
- European Review of Social Psychology
- European Societies
- European Societies plus European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology
- European Sociological Review
- European Sociological Review
- Europe-Asia Studies
- Everyday Art Quarterly
- Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
- Evolutionary Psychological Science
- Experimental Economics
- Explorations in Early American Culture
- Extr
- Fairy Tale Review
- Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal
- Family Advocate
- Family Court Review
- Family Law Quarterly
- Family Planning Perspectives
- Family Process
- Family Relations
- Family Relations
- Far Eastern Survey
- Fat Studies
- Federal Grants & Contracts
- Federal Sentencing Reporter
- Feminist Anthropology
- Feminist Formations
- Feminist Legal Studies
- Feminist Review
- Feminist Studies
- Feminist Teacher
- Field Day Review
- Fieldiana. Anthropology
- Film Comment
- Film Criticism
- Film History
- Film Quarterly
- Finafrica Bulletin
- Financial Accountability & Management
- Financial Analysts Journal
- Financial Management
- Financial Management
- Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
- Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments
- Financial Planning Review
- FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis
- Fine Arts Journal
- Fire Technology
- Fire!!!
- Fiscal Studies
- Fish and Fisheries
- Fisheries
- Fisheries Management and Ecology
- Fisheries Oceanography
- Flora Neotropica
- Flowering Newsletter
- Focus on Gender
- Folia Geobotanica
- Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica
- Folk Music Journal
- Folklore
- Folklore
- Folklore Paysan
- Folklore Studies
- Fontes Artis Musicae
- Food Additives and Conaminants Part B
- Food Additives and Contaminants Part A
- Food Ethics
- Footwear Science
- For the Learning of Mathematics
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Language Annals
- Foreign Policy
- Foreign Policy Analysis
- Forest & Conservation History
- Forest History Newsletter
- Forest Science
- Forests, Trees and Livelihoods
- Foro Internacional
- Forschungen und Berichte
- Fortnight
- Forum for Modern Language Studies
- Forum for Social Economics
- Foundations of Chemistry
- Foundations of Language
- Foundations of Science
- Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
- Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media
- Franchise Law Journal
- Francis W. Parker School Studies in Education
- Francis W. Parker School Year Book
- Franciscan Studies
- Francofonia
- Frauen und Film
- French Colonial History
- French Forum
- French Historical Studies
- French History
- French Politics and Society
- French Politics, Culture & Society
- French Studies
- French Studies Bulletin
- Freshman English News
- Frontiers of Philosophy in China
- Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
- Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Fuel Cells
- Furniture History
- Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism
- Future Humanities
- Future in Educational Research
- Gadelica: A Journal of Modern Irish Studies
- Gallia
- Garden History
- Gastronomica
- Gender & History
- Gender & Society
- Gender and Development
- Gender and Society
- Gender Issues
- Gender, Work & Organization
- General Anthropology
- General Report (Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching)
- Genus
- Geo: Geography and Environment
- Geobiology
- Geocarto International
- Geografiska Annaler
- Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography
- Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography
- Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
- Geographical Review
- Geographische Zeitschrift
- Geography
- GeoJournal
- GeoJournal
- Geo-Marine Letters
- Geomechanics and Tunnelling
- Geomicrobiology Journal
- George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies
- Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
- Georgia Government Review
- Geosystem Engineering
- German History
- German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research
- German Life and Letters
- German Politics & Society
- German Studies Newsletter
- German Studies Review
- Germanic Museum Bulletin
- Geschichte und Gesellschaft
- Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Sonderheft
- Gesta
- Getty Research Journal
- Giornale degli Economisti
- Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia
- Giornale degli Economisti e Rivista di Statistica
- Glasgow Archaeological Journal
- Global Business and Organizational Excellence
- Global Governance
- Global Implementation Research and Applications
- Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
- Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication prev. Library Review
- Global Networks
- Global Philosophy
- Global Policy
- Global Public Policy and Governance
- Global Social Welfare
- Global Strategy Journal
- Globe Studies
- Glotta
- Gnomon
- Goodwin Series
- Governance
- Government and Opposition
- GP, Solo & Small Firm Lawyer
- GPSolo
- Grand Street
- Great Decisions
- Great Plains Quarterly
- Greece & Rome
- Green Letters
- Gregorianum
- Grey Room
- Grial
- Group
- Group Decision and Negotiation
- Growth and Change
- Guaraguao
- Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains
- Guide (Field Museum of Natural History)
- Guide to Programs in Linguistics
- Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
- Haldane Bulletin
- Harvard Book Review
- Harvard International Review
- Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
- Harvard Law Review
- Harvard Review
- Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
- Harvard Ukrainian Studies
- Harvard University Art Museums Bulletin
- Hastings Center Report
- Health and Human Rights
- Health Economics
- Health Economics in Prevention and Care
- Health Education
- Health Education Research
- Health Information and Libraries Journal
- Health Promotion International
- Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: an Open Access Journal
- Health Psychology Review
- Health Services Reports
- Health Sociology Review
- Health Transition Review
- Hebraica
- Hebrew Abstracts
- Hebrew Studies
- Hebrew Union College Annual
- HEC Forum
- Hermathena
- Hermes
- Herpetologica
- Herpetological Monographs
- Hesperia Supplements
- Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- High Technology Law Journal
- Higher Education
- Higher Education
- Higher Education Quarterly
- Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
- Hispam
- Hispan
- Hispania
- Hispanic Engineer
- Hispanic Engineer and Information Technology
- Hispanic Journal
- Hispanic Review
- Histoire & Mesure
- Histoire de l'
- Histoire,
- Historia Mexicana
- Historia Social
- Historia y Fuente Oral
- Historia, Antropolog
- Historia: Journal of the Historical Society of Israel /
- Historia: Zeitschrift f
- Historical Archaeology
- Historical Archaeology
- Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church
- Historical Reflections / R
- Historical Researches in Western Pennsylvania, Principally Catholic
- Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung
- Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement
- Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles
- Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles (1890)
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
- Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
- Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences
- Historische Sprachforschung / Historical Linguistics
- History
- History
- History and Memory
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
- History and Theory
- History and Theory
- History Compass
- History in Africa
- History Ireland
- History News
- History of Education Journal
- History of Education Quarterly
- History of Education Review
- History of Philosophy Quarterly
- History of Political Thought
- History of Religions
- History of the Present
- History Workshop
- History Workshop Journal
- History Workshop Journal
- Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies
- Hollywood Quarterly
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Hommes et mondes
- Homo Oeconomicus
- Hoosier Folklore
- Hoosier Folklore Bulletin
- HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
- HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
- Housing, Care and Support
- HSMHA Health Reports
- Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
- Human Arenas
- Human Biology
- Human Dimensions of Wildlife
- Human Ecology
- Human Nature
- Human Organization
- Human Relations
- Human Resource Development Quarterly
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management Journal
- Human Rights
- Human Rights Law Review
- Human Rights Quarterly
- Human Rights Review
- Human Studies
- Human Studies
- Humanisme et Renaissance
- Humanistic Management Journal
- Humanistica Lovaniensia
- Humboldt Journal of Social Relations
- Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS)
- Hungarian Studies in English
- Huntington Library Quarterly
- Husserl Studies
- Hydrogeology Journal
- Hypatia
- I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance
- I.C.I.R.I. Bulletin
- IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
- IAHCCJ Bulletin
- IAHCCJ Newsletter
- Iberoamericana (1977-2000)
- Iberoamericana (2001-)
- Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv
- Ibsen Studies
- Icon
- ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal
- IEEE Engineering Management Review
- IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje
- IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Education
- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
- IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
- IETE Journal of Education
- Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies /
- IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
- IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
- IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors
- IJAS Online
- Il Flauto dolce
- Il Foro Italiano
- Il Giappone
- Il Politico
- Il Saggiatore musicale
- Illinois Agricultural Economics
- Illinois Classical Studies
- Illinois Historical Journal
- Illness, Crisis & Loss
- Illustrated Art Notes upon the Annual Exhibition of the National Academy of Design
- ILR Review
- Imago Mundi
- IMF Economic Review
- IMF Staff Papers
- Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
- Impressions
- Improving College and University Teaching
- In Defense of the Alien
- India International Centre Quarterly
- Indian Anthropologist
- Indian Economic Review
- Indian Economic Review
- Indian Growth and Development Review
- Indian Journal of Asian Affairs
- Indian Journal of History of Science
- Indian Journal of Industrial Relations
- Indian Literature
- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
- Indiana Magazine of History
- Indiana Theory Review
- Indo-Iranian Journal
- Indonesia
- Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
- Industrial and Corporate Change
- Industrial Law Journal
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Relations Journal
- Industrial Relations Law Journal
- Infancy
- Infant and Child Development
- Infant Mental Health Journal
- Information & Culture
- Information and Learning Science
- Information Bulletin (Society for Latin American Studies)
- Information Discovery and Delivery
- Information Systems Management
- Information Systems Research
- Information Technology & Tourism
- Information Technology and Management
- Information Technology for Development
- Information, Communication and Society
- Informationen (Europ
- Inner Asia
- Innovation Policy and the Economy
- Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences
- Innovative Higher Education
- Inquiry
- Inquiry
- Instant Research on Peace and Violence
- Instructional Science
- Instructional Science
- Int
- Integration
- Integrative and Comparative Biology
- Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
- Intelligent Buildings International
- Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
- Interactions
- Interactions
- Interactive Technology and Smart Education
- Interchange
- Interdisciplinary Literary Studies
- Interfaces
- Interlanguage Studies Bulletin
- International Advances in Economic Research
- International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939)
- International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-)
- International Affairs Review Supplement
- International Communication of Chinese Culture
- International Criminology
- International Cybersecurity Law Review
- International Data Privacy Law
- International Economic Review
- International Economic Review
- International Economics and Economic Policy
- International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
- International Family Planning Digest
- International Family Planning Perspectives
- International Family Planning Perspectives and Digest
- International Finance
- International Insolvency Review
- International Journal
- International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
- International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
- International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
- International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de S
- International Journal of Accounting & Information Management
- International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
- International Journal of American Linguistics
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics
- International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
- International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
- International Journal of Art & Design Education
- International Journal of Arts Management
- International Journal of Auditing
- International Journal of Biometeorology
- International Journal of Bullying Prevention
- International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
- International Journal of Community Well-Being
- International Journal of Comparative Education and Development
- International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- International Journal of Constitutional Law
- International Journal of Construction Management
- International Journal of Consumer Studies
- International Journal of Crashworthiness
- International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation
- International Journal of Development Issues
- International Journal of Early Childhood
- International Journal of Eating Disorders
- International Journal of Economic Policy Studies
- International Journal of Economic Theory
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- International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- International Journal of Emergency Services
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- International Journal of Energy and Water Resources
- International Journal of Energy Sector Management
- International Journal of Environmental Research
- International Journal of Ethics
- International Journal of Ethics and Systems prev. Humanomics
- International Journal of Ethics Education
- International Journal of Ethiopian Studies
- International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education
- International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
- International Journal of Finance & Economics
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- International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
- International Journal of Forest Engineering
- International Journal of Game Theory
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- International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
- International Journal of Health Economics and Management
- International Journal of Health Economics and Management
- International Journal of Health Governance
- International Journal of Hindu Studies
- International Journal of Hindu Studies
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology
- International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare
- International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
- International Journal of Information and Learning Technology
- International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
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- International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
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- International Journal of Lexicography
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- International Journal of Manpower
- International Journal of Mental Health
- International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
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- International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
- International Journal of Musicology
- International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
- International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
- International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- International Journal of Peace Studies
- International Journal of Persian Literature
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies
- International Journal of Plant Sciences
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- International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
- International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
- International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology
- International Journal of Production Research
- International Journal of Psychology
- International Journal of Public Leadership
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research
- International Journal of Public Sector Management
- International Journal of Rail Transportation
- International Journal of Refugee Law
- International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
- International Journal of School & Educational Psychology
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
- International Journal of Selection and Assessment
- International Journal of Social Economics
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology
- International Journal of Social Robotics
- International Journal of Social Welfare
- International Journal of Sociology
- International Journal of Sociology
- International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
- International Journal of Sociology of the Family
- International Journal of Speech Technology
- International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
- International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
- International Journal of Systematic Theology
- International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education
- International Journal of the Classical Tradition
- International Journal of the Classical Tradition
- International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure
- International Journal of Tourism Research
- International Journal of Training and Development
- International Journal of Transitional Justice
- International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
- International Journal of Workplace Health Management
- International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice
- International Journal on Group Rights
- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
- International Journal on World Peace
- International Labor and Working-Class History
- International Labour Review
- International Legal Materials
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- International Organization
- International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique
- International Political Sociology
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- International Review of Economics
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- International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift f
- International Review of Finance
- International Review of Mission
- International Review of Modern Sociology
- International Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology
- International Review of Qualitative Research
- International Review of Social History
- International Review of Sociology
- International Review of Sociology
- International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
- International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
- International Security
- International Social Science Journal
- International Social Science Review
- International Social Security Review
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
- International Studies of Management & Organization
- International Studies Perspectives
- International Studies Quarterly
- International Studies Quarterly
- International Studies Review
- International Studies Review
- International Supplement to the Women's Studies Quarterly
- International Tax and Public Finance
- International Transactions in Operational Research
- Internationale Schulbuchforschung
- Internationaler phytopathologischer Dienst
- Internationales Jahrbuch f
- Internationales Jahrbuch f
- Internet Research
- Interpretations
- Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
- Invertebrate Biology
- Investigaci
- IPPR Progressive Review
- Iran
- Iran & the Caucasus
- Iranian Studies
- Iraq
- IRB: Ethics & Human Research
- Irish Archaeological Research Forum
- Irish Arts Review (1984-1987)
- Irish Arts Review (2002-)
- Irish Arts Review Yearbook
- Irish Economic and Social History
- Irish Historical Studies
- Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
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- Irish Journal of Agricultural Research
- Irish Journal of American Studies
- Irish Journal of Earth Sciences
- Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology
- Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine
- Irish Jurist
- Irish Pages
- Irish Studies in International Affairs
- Irish University Review
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- Isis
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- Islamic Law and Society
- Islamic Studies
- ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
- Israel Exploration Journal
- Israel Studies
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- Israel Studies Forum
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- Issue: A Journal of Opinion
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- Italica
- Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly /
- Jahrb
- Jahrb
- Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen
- Jahrbuch der K
- Jahrbuch der Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen
- Jahrbuch f
- Jahrbuch f
- Jahrbuch f
- Jahrbuch f
- Jahrbuch f
- Jahrbuch f
- James Joyce Broadsheet
- James Joyce Quarterly
- Japan Review
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
- Japanese Journal of Sociology
- Japanese Language and Literature
- JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
- Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature /
- Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore /
- Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought /
- Jewish Film & New Media
- Jewish Historical Studies
- Jewish History
- Jewish History
- Jewish Political Studies Review
- Jewish Social Studies
- Jewish Sociology and Social Research
- Jewish Studies /
- Jewish Studies Quarterly
- Jindal Global Law Review
- Journal (American Water Works Association)
- Journal (Thirties Society)
- Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation)
- Journal AWWA
- Journal de la Soci
- Journal des voyages, d
- Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
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- Journal for General Philosophy of Science
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift f
- Journal for Multicultural Education
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- Journal for the Anthropology of North America
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Journal for the Study of Education and Development: Infancia y Aprendizaje
- Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period
- Journal for the Study of Radicalism
- Journal for the Study of Religion
- Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
- Journal of Academic Ethics
- Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
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- Journal of Accounting Research
- Journal of Accounting Research
- Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling
- Journal of Adolescence
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- Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
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- Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology
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- Journal of African American Studies
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- Journal of Agricultural Economics
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- Journal of Applied Econometrics
- Journal of Applied Econometrics
- Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
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- Journal of Applied Philosophy
- Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
- Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
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- Journal of Applied Social Science
- Journal of Applied Sociology
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- Journal of Arabic Literature
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
- Journal of Archaeological Research
- Journal of Archaeological Research
- Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
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- Journal of Architectural Education (1984-)
- Journal of Architectural Research
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- Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
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- Journal of Basic Writing
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- Journal of Behavioral Education
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- Journal of Business Ethics
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- Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series
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- Journal of Church and State
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- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
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- Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Journal of Coastal Conservation
- Journal of Cognitive Psychology
- Journal of Cognitive Psychology Pack
- Journal of College Science Teaching
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- Journal of Community Psychology
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- Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law
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- Journal of Conflict and Security Law
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- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of Consumer Research
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- Journal of Correctional Education (1974-)
- Journal of Counseling & Development
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- Journal of Criminal Psychology
- Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice
- Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
- Journal of Crustacean Biology
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- Journal of Cuneiform Studies
- Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
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- Journal of Developmental Education
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- Journal of Documentation
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- Journal of East Asian Linguistics
- Journal of East Asian Studies
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- Journal of Economic Growth
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- Journal of Economic Issues
- Journal of Economic Issues
- Journal of Economic Literature
- Journal of Economic Literature
- Journal of Economic Perspectives
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- Journal of Economics
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- Journal of Education Finance
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- Journal of Educational Change
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- Journal of Educational Measurement
- Journal of Educational Media, Memory & Society
- Journal of Educational Statistics
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- Journal of Elementary Science Education
- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
- Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics: An International Journal
- Journal of Employment Counseling
- Journal of Enabling Technologies
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- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1978)
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-)
- Journal of Ethiopian Studies
- Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Journal of Experimental Criminology
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues
- Journal of Family Studies
- Journal of Family Theory & Review
- Journal of Family Therapy
- Journal of Farm Economics
- Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
- Journal of Field Archaeology
- Journal of Field Ornithology
- Journal of Film and Video
- Journal of Financial Crime
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- Journal of Financial Economic Policy
- Journal of Financial Regulation
- Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
- Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
- Journal of Financial Research
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- Journal of Flood Risk Management
- Journal of Folklore Research
- Journal of Forecasting
- Journal of Forest History
- Journal of Forest Research
- Journal of Formative Design in Learning
- Journal of Geographical Systems
- Journal of Glass Studies
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- Journal of Global Security Studies
- Journal of Haitian Studies
- Journal of Happiness Studies
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- Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration
- Journal of Health and Human Services Administration
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior
- Journal of Health Organization and Management
- Journal of Health Service Psychology
- Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
- Journal of Herpetology
- Journal of Higher Education in Africa / Revue de l'enseignement sup
- Journal of Historical Research in Music Education
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
- Journal of Housing Research
- Journal of Human Capital
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- Journal of Human Rights Practice
- Journal of Human Trafficking
- Journal of Human Values
- Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition
- Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research
- Journal of Indian Philosophy
- Journal of Indian Philosophy
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- Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) / Zeitschrift f
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- Journal of Inter-American Studies
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- Journal of Irish Studies
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- Journal of Islamic Studies
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- Journal of Korean Studies (1969-1971)
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- Journal of Latin American Studies
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- Journal of Law and Society
- Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization
- Journal of Leadership Studies
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- Journal of Legal Studies Education
- Journal of Library History, Philosophy, and Comparative Librarianship
- Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
- Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
- Journal of Linguistics
- Journal of Logic, Language and Information
- Journal of Logic, Language, and Information
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- Journal of Maritime Archaeology
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- Journal of Marketing & Public Policy
- Journal of Marketing Research
- Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
- Journal of Marriage and Family
- Journal of Marriage and Family
- Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
- Journal of Mathematical Sociology
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- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
- Journal of Medical Ethics
- Journal of Medical Humanities
- Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures
- Journal of Mental Health
- Journal of Mental Health
- Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
- Journal of Modern European History / Zeitschrift f
- Journal of Modern Literature
- Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
- Journal of Moravian History
- Journal of Mormon History
- Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
- Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
- Journal of Museum Ethnography
- Journal of Music Theory
- Journal of Narrative Theory
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of Neuropsychology
- Journal of New Zealand Literature (JNZL)
- Journal of Nietzsche Studies
- Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- Journal of Occupational Behaviour
- Journal of Omicron Chi Epsilon
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- Journal of Organization Design
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Journal of Oriental Studies
- Journal of Orthoptera Research
- Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education
- Journal of Packaging Technology and Research
- Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology
- Journal of Paleontology
- Journal of Palestine Studies
- Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership
- Journal of Peace Research
- Journal of Pediatric Psychology
- Journal of Personality
- Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing
- Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Journal of Philosophical Studies
- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
- Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
- Journal of Policy Practice and Research
- Journal of Political Economy
- Journal of Popular Film and Television
- Journal of Population
- Journal of Population Ageing
- Journal of Population Economics
- Journal of Population Economics
- Journal of Population Research
- Journal of Population Research
- Journal of Post Colonial Writing
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
- Journal of Postcolonial Writing
- Journal of Presbyterian History (1962-1985)
- Journal of Prevention
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Journal of Productivity Analysis
- Journal of Professional Capital and Community
- Journal of Professions and Organization
- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
- Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools
- Journal of Psychology in Africa
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
- Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health
- Journal of Public Administration Education
- Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART
- Journal of Public Administration, Research and Theory
- Journal of Public Affairs
- Journal of Public Affairs Education
- Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
- Journal of Public Economic Theory
- Journal of Public Health Policy
- Journal of Public Policy
- Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
- Journal of Public Procurement
- Journal of Quality Technology
- Journal of Quantitative Criminology
- Journal of Quantitative Criminology
- Journal of Quantitative Economics
- Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
- Journal of Qur'anic Studies
- Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
- Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis
- Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
- Journal of Reading
- Journal of Real Estate Literature
- Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education
- Journal of Refugee Studies
- Journal of Regional Science
- Journal of Regulatory Economics
- Journal of Religion and Health
- Journal of Religion in Africa
- Journal of Religious Education
- Journal of Religious Ethics
- Journal of Religious History
- Journal of Remanufacturing
- Journal of Renaissance and Baroque Music
- Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
- Journal of Research in Music Education
- Journal of Research in Reading
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching
- Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
- Journal of Research on Adolescence
- Journal of Risk and Insurance
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
- Journal of Risk Finance
- Journal of Ritual Studies
- Journal of School Health
- Journal of Science Education and Technology
- Journal of Science Education and Technology
- Journal of Science Teacher Education
- Journal of Seed Technology
- Journal of Semantics
- Journal of Semitic Studies
- Journal of Sexual Aggression
- Journal of Slavic Linguistics
- Journal of Social and Economic Development
- Journal of Social History
- Journal of Social History
- Journal of Social Issues
- Journal of Social Philosophy
- Journal of Social Work Education
- Journal of Sociolinguistics
- Journal of Song-Yuan Studies
- Journal of South Asian Literature
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- Journal of Southeast Asian History
- Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
- Journal of Southern African Studies
- Journal of Spanish Language Teaching
- Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century
- Journal of Spatial Science
- Journal of Sport History
- Journal of Sport Psychology in Action
- Journal of Supply Chain Management
- Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Journal of Sustainable Forestry
- Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science
- Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. Supplement
- Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion
- Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance
- Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society
- Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York
- Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
- Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Journal of the American Musicological Society
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
- Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians
- Journal of the Anthropological Society of London
- Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association
- Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science
- Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science
- Journal of the Arnold Arboretum
- Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Supplementary Series
- Journal of the Association of Avian Veterinarians
- Journal of the Australian Population Association
- Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs
- Journal of the Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association
- Journal of the Civil War Era
- Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society
- Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society
- Journal of the Department of History (The Presbyterian Historical Society) of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
- Journal of the Early Republic
- Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
- Journal of the Economic Science Association
- Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society
- Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848-1856)
- Journal of the European Economic Association
- Journal of the European Economic Association
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
- Journal of the Folklore Institute
- Journal of the Folk-Song Society
- Journal of the Forum Committee on Franchising
- Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society
- Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria
- Journal of the History of Biology
- Journal of the History of Biology
- Journal of the History of Collections
- Journal of the History of Ideas
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
- Journal of the History of Sexuality
- Journal of The History of the Behavioral Sciences
- Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Illinois State Archaeological Society
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984)
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1998-)
- Journal of the Indian Law Institute
- Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
- Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1866-1867)
- Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1886-1994)
- Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine
- Journal of the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association
- Journal of the International Folk Music Council
- Journal of the International Phonetic Association
- Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
- Journal of the Knowledge Economy
- Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Journal of the National Association of Biblical Instructors
- Journal of the New York Entomological Society
- Journal of the New Zealand Slavists' Association
- Journal of the Ohio Herpetological Society
- Journal of the Operational Research Society
- Journal of the Operations Research Society of America
- Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association
- Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1901-1930)
- Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1943-1961)
- Journal of the Royal African Society
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka Branch
- Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
- Journal of the Royal Musical Association
- Journal of the Royal Society of Arts
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society)
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)
- Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis
- Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
- Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
- Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
- Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
- Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation
- Journal of the Southwest
- Journal of the Sri Lanka Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Statistical Society of London
- Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the University Film and Video Association
- Journal of the University Film Association
- Journal of the University Film Producers Association
- Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
- Journal of the Warburg Institute
- Journal of Thought
- Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
- Journal of Transportation Safety & Security
- Journal of Transportation Security
- Journal of Traumatic Stress
- Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
- Journal of Vegetation Science
- Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
- Journal of Vietnamese Studies
- Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology
- Journal of West African History
- Journal of West Indian Literature
- Journal of World Christianity
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- Journal of World Prehistory
- Journal of World Prehistory
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence
- Journal of Youth Studies
- Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche
- Junior-Senior High School Clearing House
- Jurimetrics
- Jurimetrics Journal
- JuristenZeitung
- Jus Cogens
- Juvenile and Family Court Journal
- Keats-Shelley Journal
- Kerry Archaeological Magazine
- Kew Bulletin
- Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte
- Kiva
- Knowledge and Process Management
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- Korean Studies
- Kritische Justiz
- Kritische Ueberschau der deutschen Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft
- Kritische Vierteljahresschrift f
- Kritische Zeitschrift f
- KritV, CritQ, RCrit. Kritische Vierteljahresschrift f
- Kronos
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- Kunsthistorische mededelingen
- Kyklos
- L
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- Language Resources and Evaluation
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- L'Ann
- L'Ann
- L'Ann
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- Lares
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- Latin American Perspectives
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- Law and Philosophy
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- Le Mois d'Ethnographie fran
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- Leaflet
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- Learning Disability Quarterly
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- Legislative Studies Quarterly
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- Leonardo Music Journal
- Leonardo. Supplemental Issue
- Les
- L'Esprit Cr
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- Listy filologick
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- Litoralia
- Litt
- Liverpool Law Review
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- London Journal of Medicine
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- LSA Bulletin
- Luso-Brazilian Review
- M
- M
- M
- M
- M
- M Bulletin (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
- Mahfil
- Malaya Law Review
- Man
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- Management International Review
- Management International Review
- Management Report For Nonunion Organizations
- Management Review Quarterly
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- Managerial and Decision Economics
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- Manpower and Unemployment Research in Africa
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- Mark Twain Quarterly
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- Marketing Letters
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- Marketing: ZFP 窶
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- Mathematisk Tidsskrift
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- Medical Anthropology Quarterly
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- Mediterranean Language Review
- Mediterranean Studies
- Medium
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- MELA Notes
- MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
- Members Newsletter (Museum of Modern Art)
- Memoir (Society of Vertebrate Paleontology)
- Memoir (The Paleontological Society)
- Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
- Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Supplementary Volumes
- Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology
- Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club
- Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society
- Memorandum (Institute of Pacific Relations, American Council)
- Memory
- Memory & Cognition
- Memory, Mind & Media
- Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter
- Mental Disability Law Reporter
- Mental Health and Social Inclusion
- Meridiana
- Meridians
- MERIP Middle East Report
- MERIP Reports
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- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1954-1958)
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development
- Mershon International Studies Review
- Merveilles & contes
- Messages from MARS
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- Metaphilosophy
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- Metropolitan Museum Studies
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- Mexicon
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- Michael: On the History of the Jews in the Diaspora /
- Michigan Historical Review
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- Middle East Report
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- Middle Eastern Studies
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- Milton Quarterly
- Milton Quarterly
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- Mind
- Mind & Language
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- Mindfulness
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- Minerva
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- Minnesota History Bulletin
- MIR: Management International Review
- MIS Quarterly
- Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England)
- Mississippi Review
- Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report
- Mitteilung (Gesellschaft f
- Mitteilungen aus dem botanischen Garten und Museum Berlin-Dahlem
- Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft f
- Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft f
- Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden
- Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
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- Mnemosyne
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- Modern Chinese Literature Newsletter
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- Modern Judaism: A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience
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- Modern Language Notes
- Modern Language Studies
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- MoMA
- Monatshefte
- Monatshefte der kunstwissenschaftlichen Literatur
- Monatshefte f
- Monatshefte f
- Monatshefte f
- Monatsschrift f
- Mongolian Studies
- Monographs of the Journal of Consumer Research
- Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
- Montana The Magazine of Western History
- Monumenta Nipponica
- Monumenta Serica
- Morbidity and Mortality
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Recommendations and Reports
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Supplement
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summaries
- Morphologische Arbeiten
- Morphology
- Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal
- Motivation and Emotion
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- MULL: Modern Uses of Logic in Law
- Muqarnas
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- Museum Notes (American Numismatic Society)
- Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin
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- Music Analysis
- Music and Letters
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- Music Supervisors' Bulletin
- Music Supervisors' Journal
- Music Theory Spectrum
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- Mycologia
- Mycological Bulletin
- Mystics Quarterly
- NanoEthics
- Narrative
- Narrative Culture
- Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues
- National Academy Notes including the Complete Catalogue of the Spring Exhibition, National Academy of Design
- National Gallery Technical Bulletin
- National Journal of Education
- National Law School of India Review
- National Marketing Review
- National Mathematics Magazine
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- Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
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- Natural Language Semantics
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- Natural Resources Forum
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- NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics
- NBER Macroeconomics Annual
- Near Eastern Archaeology
- Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business
- Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History
- Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (NKJ) / Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art
- Nederlandsch archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis
- Negro American Literature Forum
- Negro History Bulletin
- NEMLA Newsletter (1969-1970)
- Neohelicon
- Neophilologus
- Neotestamentica
- Netherlands International Law Review
- Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
- Neue Kriminalpolitik
- Neue Zeitschrift f
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- Neurocase
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
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- New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal
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- New Directions for Evaluation
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- New Directions for Student Services
- New Directions for Teaching and Learning
- New England Journal of Education
- New England Review (1978-1982)
- New England Review (1990-)
- New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly
- New Geographical Literature and Maps
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- New Hibernia Review / Iris
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- New Zealand Slavonic Journal
- News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations)
- News for the General Practitioner
- Newsletter (African Music Society)
- Newsletter (Association for Israel Studies)
- Newsletter (Association for Political and Legal Anthropology)
- Newsletter (Association of American Library Schools)
- Newsletter (College Art Association of America, Visual Resources Committee)
- Newsletter (Commission on Nomadic Peoples)
- Newsletter (Conference Group on French Politics and Society)
- Newsletter (Museum Ethnographers Group)
- Newsletter (National Conference on Literature and Religion)
- Newsletter (Poe Studies Association)
- Newsletter (Turkish Studies Association)
- Newsletter (Turkish Studies Group (U.S.))
- Newsletter (World Union of Jewish Studies) /
- Newsletter of Lithic Technology
- Newsletter of the Association for Preservation Technology
- Newsletter of the Association for Study of American Indian Literatures
- Newsletter of the Conference on Christianity and Literature
- Newsletter of the Forum Committee on Franchising
- Newsletter of the Program on Public Conceptions of Science
- Newsletter of the Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law
- Newsletter of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada
- Newsletter on Science, Technology, & Human Values
- Newsletter: European Labor and Working Class History
- Newsletter: Rhetoric Society of America
- News-O-Gram (American Bar Association. Section of Insurance, Negligence, and Compensation Law)
- Nieuw archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis inzonderheid van Nederland
- Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide
- Nineteenth Century Contexts
- Nineteenth-Century Fiction
- Nineteenth-Century French Studies
- Nineteenth-Century Literature
- No
- No
- Nomadic Peoples
- Nomos
- Nonprofit Business Advisor
- Nonprofit Communications Report
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- Nordic Irish Studies
- Nordic Psychology
- Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift
- North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics
- North Irish Roots
- Northeast African Studies
- Northern Notes & Queries
- Notable Acquisitions (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
- Notas: Rese
- Notes
- Notes (Fogg Art Museum)
- Notes and Queries
- Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
- Notizblatt des K
- Notre Dame English Journal
- Nouvelle revue des traditions populaires
- Nouvelle Revue du XVIe Si
- Nouvelle revue historique de droit fran
- Nouvelles
- Nouvelles Questions F
- Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions
- NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction
- Novon
- Novum Testamentum
- NS, NorthSouth
- NTM International Journal of History & Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology & Medicine
- Nueva Revista de Filolog
- Numen
- Numismatic Notes and Monographs
- Nursing Philosophy
- NWIG: New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids
- NWSA Journal
- Nyt tidsskrift for matematik
- OAH Magazine of History
- OAH Magazine of History
- Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society
- Obsidian
- Obsidian (1975-1982)
- Obsidian II
- Obsidian III
- Occasional Paper (Garden History Society)
- Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany
- Occasional Papers on Korea
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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- Oceania
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- Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications
- October
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- Off Our Backs
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- Ohio Mycological Bulletin
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- Oil and Energy Trends: Annual Statistical Review
- On Paper
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- OPD Restauro
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- Open Economies Review
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- Operational Research Quarterly (1950-1952)
- Operational Research Quarterly (1970-1977)
- Operations Management Research
- Operations Research
- Operations Research Forum
- Opflow
- Opportunities for Research in Renaissance Drama
- Opportunities for Research in Renaissance Drama (Exclusive of Shakespeare)
- OR
- OR Spectrum
- Oral History
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- Oregon Historical Quarterly
- Organization Science
- Oriens
- Oriens Extremus
- Orientalia
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- Ornithological Monographs
- Osiris
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- Oxford Art Journal
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- Oxford Economic Papers
- Oxford Economic Papers
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- Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
- Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
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- P
- Pacific Accounting Review
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- Pacific Arts Newsletter
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- Pacific Focus
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- Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
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- Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde
- PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art
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- Pakistan Forum
- Pakistan Horizon
- Pal
- Paleontological Monograph
- Pallas
- Palynology
- Papers (Bibliographical Society of America)
- Papers of the Abraham Lincoln Association
- Papers of the American Musicological Society
- Papers of the Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia
- Papers of the British School at Rome
- Papers on Non-Market Decision Making
- Papers Read by Members of the American Musicological Society at the Annual Meeting
- Paragraph
- Parliamentary Affairs
- Parliamentary History
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- Pasajes
- Past & Present
- Past & Present
- Pastoral Psychology
- Peabody Journal of Education
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- Peace Research
- Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry /
- Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies
- Pennsylvania Legacies
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- Personnel Psychology
- Perspecta
- Perspectives
- Perspectives Chinoises
- Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture
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- Perspectives on Politics
- Perspectives on Psychological Science
- Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
- PFG ? Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science
- Ph
- Pharmacy in History
- Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
- Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin
- Philip Roth Studies
- Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society
- Philippine Sociological Review
- Philippine Studies
- Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints
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- Philosophical Issues
- Philosophical Issues
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- Philosophical Perspectives
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- Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition
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- Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character
- Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences
- Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Philosophische Rundschau
- Philosophy
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- Philosophy & Public Affairs
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- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Philosophy Compass
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- Philosophy of Music Education Newsletter
- Philosophy of Music Education Review
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- Philosophy of Science
- Phoenix
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- Phylon (1960-)
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- Plains Archeological Conference News Letter
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- Poetics Today
- Poetry
- Pol
- Polar Geography
- PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
- Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
- Policing: An International Journal
- Policy & Internet
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- Policy Sciences
- Policy Sciences
- Policy Studies
- Policy Studies Journal
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- Polish Sociological Review
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- Political and Legal Anthropology Review
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- Political Behavior
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- Political Psychology
- Political Research Quarterly
- Political Science Quarterly
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- Politique
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- Polity
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- Popular Series. Anthropology
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- Population and Development Review
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- Population and Environment
- Population Index
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- Population Research and Policy Review
- Population Studies
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- Population: An English Selection
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- Portuguese Studies
- Positions
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- Pr
- Practicing Anthropology
- Prairie Schooner
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- Presidential Studies Quarterly
- Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural
- Prevention Science
- Primitive Man
- Print Quarterly
- Probate and Trust Legislation
- Problemas del Desarrollo
- Problems of the War
- Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law)
- Proceedings (New Zealand Ecological Society)
- Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association
- Proceedings and Papers (Bibliographical Society of America)
- Proceedings and Transactions of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society
- Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
- Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science
- Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York
- Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research
- Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
- Proceedings of the American Political Science Association
- Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1907-1917)
- Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921-1969)
- Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the Meeting of Its Executive Council
- Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Association of University Teachers of Insurance)
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law)
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (Western Farm Economics Association)
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
- Proceedings of the Annual Session (Southern Political Science Association)
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes
- Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts
- Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America
- Proceedings of the Bear Workshop (International Conference on Bear Research and Management)
- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society
- Proceedings of the Colonial Waterbird Group
- Proceedings of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers
- Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium
- Proceedings of the Indian History Congress
- Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society
- Proceedings of the Meeting of the American Philosophical Association
- Proceedings of the Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society
- Proceedings of the Musical Association
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association
- Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography
- Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1836-1869)
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1889-1901)
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Polite Literature and Antiquities
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Science
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature
- Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character
- Proceedings of the Section of International and Comparative Law (American Bar Association)
- Proceedings of the Section: Officers, Committees, Roster of Members (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law)
- Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies
- Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London
- Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies /
- Proceedings, Annual Meeting (Western Agricultural Economics Association)
- Proceedings: Biological Sciences
- Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability
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- Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal (1844-1852)
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- PS
- PS: Political Science and Politics
- PSA Newsletter
- PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association
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- Psychology & Health and Health Psychology Review
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- Public Administration Review
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- Public Productivity Review
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- Publication Series (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers)
- Publications of the American Economic Association
- Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society
- Publications of the American Statistical Association
- Publications of the English Goethe Society
- Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Anthropological Series
- Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Anthropological Series
- Publications of the Florida Historical Society
- Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California
- Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study
- Publikacije Elektrotehni
- Publishing Research Quarterly
- Publius
- Publius: The Journal of Federalism
- PVS-Literatur
- QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking
- Qedem
- Qedem Reports
- Quaderni di Studi Arabi
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- Quaderni storici delle Marche
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- Quaker History
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- Qualitative Research Journal
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- Quarterly Bulletin (Archives of American Art)
- Quarterly Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club
- Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics
- Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions
- Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting
- Quarterly Newsletter (Garden History Society)
- Quarterly Publication (Historical Society of Southern California)
- Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association
- Questions F
- Qui Parle
- Quondam et Futurus
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- Rabels Zeitschrift f
- RACAR: revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review
- Race and Social Problems
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- Radharc
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- Radiation Research Supplement
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- Ratio
- Ratio Juris
- Reading and Writing
- Reading Psychology
- Reading Research Quarterly
- Reading Research Quarterly
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- Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal
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- Recherches de th
- Recherches de th
- Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University
- Record of the Museum of Historic Art, Princeton University
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- Records Management Journal
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- Records of the Academy (American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
- Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia
- Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum
- Records of the Auckland Museum
- Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C.
- Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners
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- Refugee Survey Quarterly
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- Renaissance Drama
- Renaissance Drama (1956-1957)
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- Renaissance News
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- Renaissance Studies
- Report (World Congress of Jewish Studies) /
- Report and Studies in the History of Art
- Report of Meeting (Association of American Library Schools)
- Report on the Progress and Condition of the Royal Gardens at Kew
- Representations
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- RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics
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- Research in Higher Education
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- Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700
- Review (Fernand Braudel Center)
- Review of Accounting and Finance
- Review of Accounting Studies
- Review of African Political Economy
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- Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies
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- Review of Financial Economics
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- Review of International Studies
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- Review of Religious Research
- Review of Religious Research
- Review of Research in Education
- Review of Research in Visual and Environmental Education
- Review of Research in Visual Arts Education
- Review of Social Economy
- Review of Social Economy
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- Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hisp
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- Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals
- Revista de Antropologia
- Revista de Arqueolog
- Revista de Arqueolog
- Revista de Cr
- Revista de Historia de Am
- Revista de Letras
- Revista de libros
- Revista de libros de la Fundaci
- Revista de Musicolog
- Revista de Psicologia Social: International Journal of Social Psychology
- Revista Espa
- Revista Espa
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- Revista Espa
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- Revue bibliographique et critique de droit fran
- Revue Biblique (1892-1940)
- Revue Biblique (1946-)
- Revue Canadienne d'
- Revue d'
- Revue d'Assyriologie et d'arch
- Revue de l& moderne fran
- Revue de l'histoire des religions
- Revue de l'Institut International de Statistique / Review of the International Statistical Institute
- Revue de M
- Revue de Musicologie
- Revue de Philosophie Ancienne
- Revue de Qumr
- Revue de Th
- Revue de Th
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- Revue des
- Revue des arts asiatiques
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- Revue des Deux Mondes (1829-1971)
- Revue des Sciences philosophiques et th
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- Revue d'histoire de la Deuxi
- Revue d'histoire de la Deuxi
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- Revue d'histoire des sciences
- Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications
- Revue d'histoire du protestantisme
- Revue d'Histoire litt
- Revue d'histoire moderne
- Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1899-1914)
- Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1954-)
- Revue du Seizi
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- Revue europ
- Revue fran
- Revue Fran
- Revue fran
- Revue fran
- Revue fran
- Revue fran
- Revue fran
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- Revue historique de droit fran
- Revue historique de droit fran
- Revue historique de la R
- Revue Internationale de Philosophie
- Revue internationale du Travail
- Revue n
- Revue n
- Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'
- Revue philosophique de Louvain
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- Rheinisches Museum f
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- Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric
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- Rivista di Storia della Filosofia (1946-1949)
- Rivista di Storia della Filosofia (1984-)
- Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali
- Rivista di Studi Pompeiani
- Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali
- Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali e Discipline Ausiliarie
- Rivista Italiana di Musicologia
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- Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
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- RQ
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- Russian Linguistics
- Russian Linguistics
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- S
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- Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui
- Sankhy
- Sankhy
- Sankhy
- Sankhy
- Sankhy
- Saothar
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- Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
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- Scandinavian Studies
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- Science Progress in the Twentieth Century (1919-1933)
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- Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section A
- Science Scope
- Science Studies
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- Scottish Journal of Political Economy
- Screen
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- Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities Newsletter
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- Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East /
- Seizi
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- Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting (Society of Christian Ethics)
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- Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies /
- Shofar
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- Sigma Xi Quarterly
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- Signs
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- Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
- Sir W. J. Hooker's Report on Kew Gardens
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- Social Choice and Welfare
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- Social Problems
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- Social Work
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- Social Work Research
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- Sociology of Education
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- Sociology of Religion
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- Source: Notes in the History of Art
- Sources of the History of Oregon
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- South African Journal of Philosophy
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- South African Sociological Review
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- South Atlantic Review
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- Southern Economic Journal
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- Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic
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- Studies in American Jewish Literature (1981-)
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- Studies in East European Thought
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- Studies in Family Planning
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- Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review
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- Style
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- Sudanic Africa
- Sudhoffs Archiv
- Sudhoffs Archiv f
- Sudhoffs Archiv f
- Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
- Summary of Proceedings: Officers, Committees (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law)
- Sung Studies Newsletter
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- Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
- Supplementary Papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome
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- Swainsona. Supplement
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- Symbolic Interaction
- symplok
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- Synthese
- Synthesis
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- Systematic Botany Monographs
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- Tarbi蘯
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- TESOL Quarterly
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- Thal
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- The American Historical Review
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- The American Journal of Economics and Sociology
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- The British Journal of Social Work
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- The British Journal of Sociology
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- The British School at Athens. Supplementary Volumes
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- The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter
- The Brown University Psychopharmacology Update
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- The Bulletin of the College Art Association of America
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- The Cambridge Quarterly
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- The Economic History Review
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- The English Historical Review
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- The Journal of African American History
- The Journal of African History
- The Journal of American Culture
- The Journal of American Folklore
- The Journal of American History
- The Journal of American-East Asian Relations
- The Journal of Anthropology
- The Journal of Arachnology
- The Journal of Arizona History
- The Journal of Asian Studies
- The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
- The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research
- The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
- The Journal of Business
- The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago
- The Journal of California Anthropology
- The Journal of Classroom Interaction
- The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
- The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
- The Journal of Conflict Resolution
- The Journal of Creative Behavior
- The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-)
- The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science
- The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
- The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts
- The Journal of Developing Areas
- The Journal of East Asian Affairs
- The Journal of East Asian Philosophy
- The Journal of Economic Abstracts
- The Journal of Economic Education
- The Journal of Economic History
- The Journal of Economic Inequality
- The Journal of Economic Perspectives
- The Journal of Education
- The Journal of Educational Research
- The Journal of Educational Sociology
- The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de la Pens
- The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
- The Journal of English and Germanic Philology
- The Journal of Epsilon Pi Tau
- The Journal of Ethics
- The Journal of Ethics
- The Journal of Experimental Education
- The Journal of Finance
- The Journal of Finance
- The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- The Journal of Futures Markets
- The Journal of General Education
- The Journal of Geology
- The Journal of Germanic Philology
- The Journal of Hellenic Studies
- The Journal of Higher Education
- The Journal of Hindu Studies
- The Journal of Human Resources
- The Journal of Humanistic Counseling
- The Journal of Hygiene
- The Journal of Industrial Economics
- The Journal of Industrial Economics
- The Journal of Infectious Diseases
- The Journal of Insurance
- The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- The Journal of International Relations
- The Journal of Irish Archaeology
- The Journal of Japanese Studies
- The Journal of Korean Studies (1979-)
- The Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics
- The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
- The Journal of Law & Economics
- The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
- The Journal of Legal Studies
- The Journal of Library History (1966-1972)
- The Journal of Library History (1974-1987)
- The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine
- The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
- The Journal of Mind and Behavior
- The Journal of Modern African Studies
- The Journal of Modern History
- The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies
- The Journal of Museum Education
- The Journal of Musicology
- The Journal of Mycology
- The Journal of Narrative Technique
- The Journal of Negro Education
- The Journal of Negro History
- The Journal of Nursery Education
- The Journal of Pacific History
- The Journal of Parasitology
- The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
- The Journal of Philosophy
- The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods
- The Journal of Political Philosophy
- The Journal of Politics
- The Journal of Popular Culture
- The Journal of Positive Psychology
- The Journal of Presbyterian History (1997-)
- The Journal of Primary Prevention
- The Journal of Race Development
- The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
- The Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
- The Journal of Real Estate Research
- The Journal of Religion
- The Journal of Religious Ethics
- The Journal of Risk and Insurance
- The Journal of Roman Studies
- The Journal of Rural Health
- The Journal of Sex Research
- The Journal of Social Forces
- The Journal of Southern History
- The Journal of Speculative Philosophy
- The Journal of Symbolic Logic
- The Journal of Technology Studies
- The Journal of the Academy of Management
- The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese
- The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology
- The Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland
- The Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 1850 - the Present
- The Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 1890-1940
- The Journal of the English Folk Dance Society
- The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870)
- The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
- The Journal of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland
- The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.)
- The Journal of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society
- The Journal of the Learning Sciences
- The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association
- The Journal of the Operational Research Society
- The Journal of the Polynesian Society
- The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
- The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London
- The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland
- The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
- The Journal of the Society of Arts
- The Journal of the Society of Cinematologists
- The Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club
- The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
- The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery
- The Journal of the Walters Art Museum
- The Journal of the Wilson Ornithological Chapter of the Agassiz Association
- The Journal of Theological Studies
- The Journal of Theological Studies
- The Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis)
- The Journal of Value Inquiry
- The Journal of Wildlife Management
- The Journal of World Energy Law & Business
- The Journal of World Intellectual Property
- The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine
- The Journal-Newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese
- The Journals of Gerontology - Series A: Biological and Medical Sciences
- The Journals of Gerontology - Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences
- The Junior High Clearing House (1920-1921)
- The Junior High Clearing House (1928-1929)
- The Junior High School Clearing House
- The Justice System Journal
- The Kansas Journal of Sociology
- The Kenyon Review
- The Knight Errant
- The Korean Language in America
- The Labor Lawyer
- The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
- The Library
- The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy
- The Life of the Spirit (1944-1946)
- The Linen Hall Review
- The Lotus Magazine
- The Maine Journal of Education
- The Maine Normal
- The Major Gifts Report
- The Manchester School
- The Mark Twain Annual
- The Massachusetts Review
- The Massachusetts Teacher (1848-1855)
- The Massachusetts Teacher (1858-1871)
- The Massachusetts Teacher (1873-1874)
- The Massachusetts Teacher and Journal of Home and School Education
- The Maynooth Review / Revie
- The Membership Management Report
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
- The Micropaleontologist
- The Midland Naturalist
- The Midwest Sociologist
- The Midwestern Archivist
- The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly
- The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Bulletin
- The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society
- The Milbank Quarterly
- The Mississippi Quarterly
- The Mississippi Valley Historical Review
- The Modern Language Journal
- The Modern Language Quarterly (1897)
- The Modern Language Quarterly (1900-1904)
- The Modern Language Review
- The Modern Law Review
- The Modern Quarterly of Language and Literature
- The Mongolia Society Bulletin
- The Mongolia Society Newsletter
- The Monist
- The Montana Magazine of History
- The Monthly Illustrator
- The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists
- The Murrelet
- The Museum News (Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences)
- The Museum Year: Annual Report of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- The Musical Quarterly
- The Musical Times
- The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular
- The Muslim World
- The National Cactus and Succulent Journal
- The National Interest
- The National Magazine
- The National Teaching & Learning Forum
- The Netherlands Journal of Housing and Environmental Research
- The New Atlantis
- The New England Quarterly
- The New Irish Jurist and Local Government Review
- The New Path
- The New Phytologist
- The New York Latin Leaflet
- The News Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
- The News Letter of the College English Association
- The Newsletter of PEGS
- The North American Review
- The North Carolina High School Bulletin
- The North Carolina Historical Review
- The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal
- The Numismatic Chronicle (1838-1842)
- The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-)
- The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society
- The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- The Numismatic Journal
- The Nyasaland Journal
- The Ohio Sociologist
- The Ohio Valley Sociologist
- The Old and New Testament Student
- The Old Testament Student
- The Opera Quarterly
- The Oral History Review
- The Ornithologists' and Oologists' Semi-Annual
- The Pacific Northwest Quarterly
- The Pacific Sociological Review
- The Pakistan Development Review
- The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
- The Past: The Organ of the U
- The Peninsular Papers
- The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
- The Personalist Forum
- The Phi Beta Kappa Key
- The Phi Delta Kappan
- The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin
- The Philosophical Forum
- The Philosophical Quarterly
- The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-)
- The Philosophical Review
- The Phylon Quarterly
- The Plant Cell
- The Pluralist
- The Poetry Ireland Review
- The Polish Review
- The Polish Sociological Bulletin
- The Political Quarterly
- The Print Collector's Newsletter
- The Psychological Record
- The Public Health Journal
- The Public Historian
- The Public Opinion Quarterly
- The Punjab University Economist
- The Quarterly Illustrator
- The Quarterly Journal of Economics
- The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress
- The Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association
- The Quarterly of Film Radio and Television
- The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society
- The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association
- The Quarterly: Historical Society of Southern California
- The R. I. Schoolmaster
- The Radical Teacher
- The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin
- The RAND Journal of Economics
- The Reading Teacher
- The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
- The Review of Asset Pricing Studies
- The Review of Austrian Economics
- The Review of Corporate Finance Studies
- The Review of Economic Studies
- The Review of Economics and Statistics
- The Review of English Studies
- The Review of Financial Studies
- The Review of Insurance Studies
- The Review of International Organizations
- The Review of Metaphysics
- The Review of Politics
- The Review of Socionetwork Strategies
- The Rijksmuseum Bulletin
- The Russian Review
- The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal
- The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
- The School Counselor
- The School Review
- The Science of Nature
- The Science Teacher
- The Scientific Monthly
- The Scottish Antiquary, or, Northern Notes and Queries
- The Scottish Historical Review
- The Semi-Annual (Agassiz Association. Department of the Wilson Chapter)
- The Sewanee Review
- The Shakespeare Association Bulletin
- The Shaw Review
- The Sixteenth Century Journal
- The Slavic and East European Journal
- The Slavonic and East European Review
- The Slavonic and East European Review. American Series
- The Slavonic Review
- The Slavonic Year-Book
- The Social Science Bulletin
- The Social Science News Bulletin
- The Society of Malawi Journal
- The Sociological Quarterly
- The Soil
- The South African Archaeological Bulletin
- The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine
- The South Carolina Historical Magazine
- The South Central Bulletin
- The Southern Journal of Philosophy
- The Southern Literary Journal
- The Southwestern Historical Quarterly
- The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy
- The Southwestern Political and Social Science Quarterly
- The Southwestern Political Science Quarterly
- The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly
- The Spanish Journal of Psychology
- The State and Local Tax Lawyer
- The State and Local Tax Lawyer. Symposium Edition
- The Steinbeck Review
- The Successful Registrar
- The Supreme Court Review
- The Swedish Journal of Economics
- The Tax Lawyer
- The Teacher (1872)
- The Technical Writer
- The Thirties Society Journal
- The Thoreau Society Bulletin
- The Threepenny Review
- The Tibet Journal
- The Torah U-Madda Journal
- The Town Planning Review
- The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy
- The Transatlantic Review
- The Trollopian
- The Tulane Drama Review
- The Turkish Studies Association Journal
- The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal
- The University Journal of Business
- The University of Chicago Law Review
- The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review
- The University of Texas Studies in English
- The University of Toronto Law Journal
- The Urban Lawyer
- The Urban Review
- The Vergilian Digest
- The Virginia Law Register
- The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
- The Virginia Quarterly Review
- The Volume of the Walpole Society
- The Volunteer Management Report
- The Washington Historical Quarterly
- The Western Political Quarterly
- The William and Mary Quarterly
- The Wilson Bulletin
- The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
- The Wilson Quarterly (1892)
- The Wilson Quarterly (1976-)
- The Wisconsin Magazine of History
- The Women's Review of Books
- The Wordsworth Circle
- The Workshop
- The World Bank Economic Review
- The World Bank Research Observer
- The World Economy
- The World of Music
- The World Today
- The Writing Center Journal
- The Yale Courant
- The Yale Law Journal
- The Yale University Library Gazette
- The Yearbook of English Studies
- The Yearbook of the National Council on Measurement in Education
- The Yearbook of the National Council on Measurements Used in Education
- The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies
- The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory
- The Year's Work in English Studies
- The Yorkshire Cactus Journal
- Theatre Ireland
- Theatre Journal
- Theologische Rundschau
- Theoretical Economics
- Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
- Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science Online
- Theoria
- Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory
- Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science
- Theory and Decision
- Theory and Practice
- Theory and Society
- Theory Into Practice
- Thinking & Reasoning
- Third Text
- Third World Quarterly
- Thresholds
- Thunderbird International Business Review
- Tidsskrift for mathematik
- Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis
- Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
- Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
- Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
- Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
- Tijdschrift voor Philosophie
- Tizard Learning Disability Review
- Tobacco Control
- Topics in Cognitive Science
- Topoi
- Torreya
- Tort & Insurance Law Journal
- Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal
- T'oung Pao
- Traditio
- Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought
- Tradition: Zeitschrift f
- Traditional & Kampo Medicine
- Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review
- Traffic Injury Prevention
- Trama & Texturas
- Transactions & Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England)
- Transactions (Institute of British Geographers)
- Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England)
- Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers)
- Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America
- Transactions of the American Art-Union
- Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1867-1877)
- Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1890-)
- Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences
- Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
- Transactions of the American Philological Association (1869-1896)
- Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-2014)
- Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
- Transactions of the Annual Meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science
- Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London
- Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington
- Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States
- Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society
- Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society
- Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London
- Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries
- Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society
- Transactions of the Gold Coast & Togoland Historical Society
- Transactions of the Grotius Society
- Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
- Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1872-1880)
- Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-)
- Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society
- Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America
- Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society
- Transactions of the Philological Society
- Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
- Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce
- Transafrican Journal of History
- Transformation
- Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy
- Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy
- Transition
- Translation and Literature
- Translation Review
- Translation Studies
- Transportation
- Transportation in Developing Economies
- Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
- Transportation Journal
- Transportation Letters (The International Journal of Transportation Research)
- Transportation Science
- Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
- Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics
- Trends in Organized Crime
- Trends in Psychology
- Trimonthly Report (Ohio Herpetological Society)
- Tropical Housing & Planning Monthly Bulletin
- Trusts & Trustees
- Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
- Tumultes
- Turkish Studies Association Bulletin
- Twentieth Century Architecture
- Twentieth Century British History
- Twentieth Century Literature
- U.S. Catholic Historian
- U.S.-Japan Women's Journal
- U.S.-Japan Women's Journal. English Supplement
- Ulbandus Review
- Ulster Journal of Archaeology
- Umoja Sasa
- Uniform Law Review
- Universal Human Rights
- University College Review
- University of Malaya Law Review
- University of Pennsylvania Law Review
- University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register
- University Resources in the United States and Canada for the Study of Linguistics
- University Review
- Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems
- Urban Anthropology
- Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development
- Urban Ecosystems
- Urban Forum
- Urban History
- Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine
- Urban History Yearbook
- Urban Water Journal
- Urbanism Past & Present
- Ursus
- US Black Engineer
- Utopian Studies
- Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
- Ventunesimo Secolo
- Verfassung und Recht in
- Verge: Studies in Global Asias
- Vergilius (1959-)
- Vetus Testamentum
- Victorian Literature and Culture
- Victorian Periodicals Newsletter
- Victorian Periodicals Review
- Victorian Poetry
- Victorian Review
- Victorian Studies
- Vienna Yearbook of Population Research
- Vierteljahrschrift f
- Vietnam Perspectives
- Vigiliae Christianae
- Vingti
- Virginia Law Review
- Vision: A Journal of Film Comment
- Visual Anthropology Review
- Visual Arts Research
- Vivarium
- Vivre et Penser
- Vocations and Learning
- Voces: A Journal of Chicana/Latina Studies
- Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
- Vox Guyanae
- VSWG: Vierteljahrschrift f
- Wallraf-Richartz Jahrbuch (1924-1934)
- Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch
- Wartime Newsletter of the Wildlife Society
- Wasafiri
- Washington History
- Water Environment Research
- Water History
- Water Resources
- Water Resources Management
- Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
- Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology
- Watson's Art Journal
- Weed Science
- Weed Technology
- Weeds
- Weekly Abstract of Sanitary Reports
- Weekly Health Index
- Weekly Mortality Index
- Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv
- Wesley and Methodist Studies
- West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture
- West Virginia History
- Westdeutsches Jahrbuch f
- Western American Literature
- Western Folklore
- Western Historical Quarterly
- Western Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Wetlands Ecology and Management
- Wicazo Sa Review
- Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch
- Wiener Studien
- Wiener Zeitschrift f
- Wildlife Monographs
- Wildlife News
- Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006)
- Wildlife Society Bulletin (2011-)
- Wildlife Society News
- Willdenowia
- Willdenowia. Beiheft
- Winterthur Portfolio
- WIREs Cognitive Science
- Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature
- WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs
- Woman's Art Journal
- Women in German Yearbook
- Women in Higher Education
- Women of Color Magazine
- Women, Gender, and Families of Color
- Women's Studies International
- Women's Studies Newsletter
- Women's Studies Quarterly
- Women's Writing
- Work & Stress
- Work, Environment, Health
- World Affairs
- World Archaeology
- World Employment and Social Outlook
- World Englishes
- World Food Policy
- World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research
- World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
- World Literature Today
- World Medical & Health Policy
- World Migration Report
- World Oil Trade
- World Policy Journal
- World Politics
- World Water Policy
- Writing on the Edge
- Writing Ulster
- Yale Art Gallery Bulletin
- Yale French Studies
- Yale Law & Policy Review
- Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin
- YC Young Children
- Yearbook (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers)
- Yearbook for Traditional Music
- Yearbook of Anthropology
- Yearbook of International Environmental Law
- Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
- Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council
- Young Children
- Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu. Serija Matematika
- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
- Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945)
- Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-)
- Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie / Journal for General Philosophy of Science
- Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik
- Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht
- Zeitschrift für Deutsche Mundarten
- Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum
- Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur
- Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik
- Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft / Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
- Zeitschrift für die religiösen Interessen des Judenthums
- Zeitschrift für Ethnologie
- Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur
- Zeitschrift für Germanistik
- Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung
- Zeitschrift für hochdeutsche Mundarten
- Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen
- Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie
- Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
- Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie
- Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung
- Zeitschrift für neufranzösische Sprache und Literatur
- Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen: ZögU / Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services
- Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
- Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und Pflanzenschutz
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Gallenkunde
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz
- Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung
- Zeitschrift für Politik
- Zeitschrift für Politikberatung (ZPB) / Policy Advice and Political Consulting
- Zeitschrift für Psycho-somatische Medizin
- Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse
- Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
- Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik
- Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
- Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie
- Zeitschrift für Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte
- Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften (ZSE) / Journal for Comparative Government and European Policy
- Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche
- Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte / Journal of Business History
- Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung
- Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der Indogermanischen Sprachen
- Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Lateinischen
- Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Biologie. Abteilung E. Planta
- Zion
- Zion: Me'asef ha-Hevra ha-erets-yisre'elit le-Historyah ve-Etnografyah
- Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly
- Zoological Bulletin
- В помощь преподавателю русского языка в Америке / A Guide to Teachers of the Russian Language in America
Note: Patrons may check the access period of the subscribed journals using the E-Journals (A-Z) page.
The Central Library uses Universal Decimal Classification system to classify books.
A call number is a number used to identify and locate books in the library. It includes the Classification number, the Author Code (first three letters of the Author’s name), and the book's Accession number (serial number).
For example: Economics: theory and practice by Welch, Patrick J.

330 is the Class Number for Humanities & Social Science
WEL-E is the Book Number
22392 is the Accession Number
The library has a sizable collection of books and reading material on Humanities & Social Science. These books are classified under the following Class Numbers:
- 101 Philosophy
- 159 Psychology
- 165 Epistemology
- 2 Religion
- 301 Sociology
- 330 Economics
- 336 Indian Financial System
Note: To locate the books on Chemistry, please search the Library Web OPAC page.
OER – Open Educational Resources (Freely Available)
ETD Resources (e-Thesis)
Online Courses & Study Materials