Welcome to our Open Educational Resources (OER) Page! Explore our extensive collection of free educational resources designed to support your learning and research needs. Open Access refers to freely available resources for viewing and use. These materials can be excellent resources to supplement online library materials.
Open Access Directories
Access a wide range of scholarly articles, journals, and books through these comprehensive open access directories.
Explore extensive collections of free digital books covering a vast range of topics and disciplines.
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TradePub | Online Programming Books | Learnpub | Upenn | Avxhm | Oreilly | Bookrix | Obooko | Authorama | Wikibooks
International Children's Digital Library | Sacred | Slideshare | Lifewire | Intech Open Access Books | AMS Free Online Books
Browse through numerous free academic journals to aid your research and studies.
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Science OPEN | Science Direct | World scientific | JSTOR | Sci Med Central | IOP | Medcrave | Medicine | EBSCO | ARC | Scientific Research
MDPI | AJE | Sage | Hindwai | Frontiers | Intl OpenAccess | Degruyter | Emerald | Medknow Journals | Royal Society of Chemistry
IEEE | PLoS | Online School | Omnics | Longdom | Taylor & Francis | Cambridge | Symbiosis | Karger | Biomedcentral | Libert
Science OPEN | Science Direct | World scientific | JSTOR | Sci Med Central | IOP | Medcrave | Medicine | EBSCO | ARC | Scientific Research
Explore our curated selection of open-access software, offering free, adaptable tools essential for educational and research endeavors, fostering collaboration and innovation.
Source Forge | Fossee | Spoken Tutorial | Unesco | Europa | Open Source Windows | Softonic | Techradar | Scientific Psychic
Fosshub | OSDN | F-droid | bitbucket | Lunchpad | TED | Open Source Software Directory
Fosshub | OSDN | F-droid | bitbucket | Lunchpad | TED | Open Source Software Directory
Theses and Dissertations
Access a vast repository of open access theses and dissertations that provide invaluable insights across diverse academic disciplines, supporting and inspiring new scholarly endeavors.
Lecture Videos and Tutorials
Delve into our extensive collection of open access lecture videos and tutorials, offering access to educational content that enhances learning and development across various subjects.
Explore a wide range of open-access resources, including datasets, multimedia, and official documents, enhancing your research with freely available, quality content.